torsdag 28 augusti 2008

Agility & obedience...

I have learned two new words today: agility and obedience... The first means someting about running very fast and jump over things and up and down things etc... Probably something like what I do in the hills everyday, but mum says that one can not run just as one like, you must run in the direction that the owner points and over the obstacle they point at... sounds weird...

The other word; obedience, was not so easy to understand. Mum said that a dog that is obedient only does what he/she is allowed to do...? Hmmm, that doesn't sounds very fun, eeehh?

Mum showed us lots of photos here: and said that she had been there yesterday evening, and that when she goes there next time, some of us dogs are going with her. We are supposed to learn this "agility and obedience".

We big ones (the salukis and afghans) have discussed this and believe this is more a thing for the "small'ies" (= the shelties)... at least Hobby and Paloma and Sterling agreed strongly upon that.

We looked at the internet and found pictures of many dogs doing agility, and lots of them where shelties. We could NOT find ANY afghans and salukis doing agility at maybe it IS a thing for only the shelties...?

But then Knodden and I taked more about it today and we think it sounds a little bit fun, at least we would meet a lot of other dogs there and get new friends? And Sam and Hugo, the neighbours dogs, will go too, so it could be fun... We'll see...

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